Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yess!!! I am going to hong kong! woohooo!!! er dun say I am childish but this is the first time I'll go abroad! I'll upload my picture but it'll be next year.Hahahahhahaha, go hongkong! And the time I go is while I am studying, skip school!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cofee Art~

Here am I t share with ur all COFFEE ART!!
I think you will not drink all the coffee below
because it is to beautiful and special.
The picture above is Saturn.
A little bit ugly,right~


A smile, please~

Sun, drink it and you will like sun,
full of energy.

I didn't know what is this,can you comment
and tell me?

Whoa,this cup of coffee is beautiful~

Does this looked like the logo of Suria KLCC?

A leaf :D

Whoa, Bruce Lee :O

Cute rabbit~

Love, sweet,sweet love.

A little bit scary~

I love you more than i can say~

Night is falling down~



Leaf too~

A woman,i didn't know whom is it


An ordinary leaf

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I think I want to buy it

Your all know about the love songs CD right that one which worth 60 bugs one i think i want to buy it. I know my blog didn't view by many people but i also want writing.