Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cutting Down The Forest! TT

The small forest near my house is cutting down because for building houses...TT sob~sob~I will never have the best view again,i will never feel so cool again as they are cutting down the trees, i will never have the place for me to rest my eyes and see the trees again,the earth will absorbed more carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and causes green house effect and global warming... When i lost the trees, I feel like i would never be so happy again...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yess!!! I am going to hong kong! woohooo!!! er dun say I am childish but this is the first time I'll go abroad! I'll upload my picture but it'll be next year.Hahahahhahaha, go hongkong! And the time I go is while I am studying, skip school!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cofee Art~

Here am I t share with ur all COFFEE ART!!
I think you will not drink all the coffee below
because it is to beautiful and special.
The picture above is Saturn.
A little bit ugly,right~


A smile, please~

Sun, drink it and you will like sun,
full of energy.

I didn't know what is this,can you comment
and tell me?

Whoa,this cup of coffee is beautiful~

Does this looked like the logo of Suria KLCC?

A leaf :D

Whoa, Bruce Lee :O

Cute rabbit~

Love, sweet,sweet love.

A little bit scary~

I love you more than i can say~

Night is falling down~



Leaf too~

A woman,i didn't know whom is it


An ordinary leaf

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I think I want to buy it

Your all know about the love songs CD right that one which worth 60 bugs one i think i want to buy it. I know my blog didn't view by many people but i also want writing.